Have you ever wondered why Chiropractors have different styles of treatment? Considering that there are 49
total Chiropractic Educational Institutions in the world, 18 of them are in the USA, you could have 49 different
philosophies being administered therein. Then you have 11 major technique styles. Then add in multiple post
graduate methods. Now add over 100,000 chiropractors in the world with their individual personalities, and
what do you get? A lot of differing experiences in all of these doctor’s offices.
These are some of the most popular techniques:
Applied Kinesiology (AK): Testing muscle tone to determine joint dysfunction
Diversified Technique: Full-spine manipulation using different adjusting techniques
Extremity Adjusting: Focuses on the extremities and adjustment of joint planes
Activator Technique: Uses a tool to deliver precise adjustment to the spine or extremity
Thompson Technique: Uses a drop-table as a tool to generate relief on the spine and joints
Gonstead: Evaluates the spine by x-ray, uses different adjustments that avoid rotational vectors
Cox/flexion-distraction: A low-force adjusting procedure that mixes chiropractic and osteopathic
principles in special tables with moving parts
Sacro-Occipital Technique: Models the spine as a torsion bar
Nimmo Receptor-Tonus: A systematic approach that uses ischemic compression to remove myofascial
trigger points.
Cranial Technique: Manipulates the cranial bones.
Biophysics Technique: Using inverse functions of rotations during spinal manipulation.
Consequently, you might ask what is Dr Doug’s style of Chiropractic? I had a patient who is an educator describe
me as a BioMechanic. Actually, that is an accurate description. I have had the opportunity to, first of all, be a
Chiropractic patient for 18 years before I became a Chiropractor myself. During those 18 years, I was a patient
to 5 different doctors for 3 different injuries. I also spent a year in school being taught multiple styles of
Massage Therapy. Then I practiced as a Massage Therapist 6 years, until 1999, before I became a Board-Certified
Chiropractic Physician. During this interim of education and post graduate studies, I developed my craft from
multiple philosophies. Today I would tell you that I am a Functional/Structural/AK/Diversified/Extremity/
Activator/Thompson/Gonstead/Nimmo Chiropractor with a side of Massage Therapy style of Physician. I really
am looking for the asymmetry of your muscular and skeletal systems. Then I apply various techniques to
achieve symmetry of your muscular and skeletal structures. This will increase your joint range of motion, your
muscular strength, your body’s neurological function, and, most importantly, decrease your pain and
I assess your joint motion in your spine and extremities looking for joint restrictions due to bone or muscle
dysfunction. I apply differing adjusting techniques to reduce those joint restrictions and then reassess your
range of motion to confirm that we have achieved increased or symmetrical function. Most of the time, these
Chiropractic adjustments reduce muscular tension, but I assess your body to make sure the muscles have
decreased their tone. If they are still contributing to your dysfunction, I will apply a style of Massage Therapy to
further reduce their tone. Sometimes we can achieve the goal of repairing you in one visit. Other times it may
take a few repeated treatments, and, for some, it may take frequent treatments due to previous serious injuries
or congenital maladies that your body has acquired. I will not know the outcome until I get my hands on you
and see how you respond to the treatment I can apply. Come and see what can be accomplished for you!
I am more than pleased to answer any concerns you may have about Chiropractic & Massage Care. Please call!
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