Pregnancy is a journey, full of mental and physical changes. Not only that, you are probably working hard to make sure everything is prepared for your little one’s arrival. But while you’re in the middle of building cribs, stacking diapers, and folding onesies, it’s important to take the time to care for yourself as well. Growing a human takes a lot of work, and you deserve to pamper yourself a little – so why not schedule a massage?

Research has shown that massage can bring benefits throughout all stages of pregnancy and into the postpartum period. So, with Mother’s Day coming up, we decided to take a closer look at how massage can help moms – whether you’re a seasoned mom expecting another kid, a soon-to-be-mom expecting her first baby, or a new mom recovering from labor and delivery.
1st Trimester
Most (if not all) women will experience morning sickness during this stage of their pregnancy, and some will experience other symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and headaches. Blame those pregnancy hormones!
The good news is that massage during this stage can help manage all of these symptoms. Indeed, studies have shown that getting massaged regularly during these first few weeks can help lift your mood and even manage your nausea. But just in case, try to schedule your massage for the time of day when you feel the least queasy. That will help you focus more on relaxing and less on your stomach.
Also keep in mind that there are some enhancements, essential oils and techniques that should be avoided during pregnancy. If you’re not sure which of our enhancements are safe for pregnancy, make sure to talk to your therapist, and they will let you know which options are safe and effective.
2nd Trimester
By this stage of your pregnancy, many of your earlier symptoms will start to fade away –goodbye nausea, hello food! In addition, your belly will start to grow, and as the weeks go by your bump will show more and more. Don’t let this deter you from getting a massage! Just like you sleep on your side at home, you can get a massage while lying on your side. Your therapist will use extra pillows to prop you up and help you feel more comfortable.
Some women will also start to experience mild swelling in the ankles and feet during this trimester, as well as leg cramps. Massage can help alleviate these symptoms by improving circulation and reducing edema.
3rd Trimester
Congratulations, you’re in the home stretch! Only a couple more months until you get to meet your precious newborn. In the meantime, you’re probably feeling achy in your hips and back; you may even be feeling some sciatic nerve pain. Getting regular massage during this trimester can help relieve your aches and pains as your belly grows. It can also lessen the symptoms of sciatica by helping to release the tension around nearby muscles.
Many women will also experience insomnia during this trimester, what with all the aches and pains, heartburn, and frequent trips to the bathroom. Studies have shown that massage can help pregnant women get better sleep, too!
Massage is also recommended during this trimester to help the mother prepare for labor and delivery. By getting frequent massages, you encourage your muscles to relax and help your mind stay less stressed. This has been shown to reduce labor pain during childbirth, and may even shorten labor duration.
As many moms can attest, the postpartum period is both thrilling and exhausting! You finally have your new baby in your arms, but you’re also dealing with the physical after-effects of labor and delivery. Chances are you’re going to be achy and sore all over for a while.
Once you feel like you’ve recovered enough, take the time to come in and get a massage. Your therapist will be able to address all of the aches and pains you’ll be feeling, from backaches due to carrying your baby, to neck and shoulder pain from breastfeeding, and beyond. In addition, you’ll finally be able to lie down on your stomach! If you’re concerned about your breasts being tender or swollen, ask your therapist for an extra towel or pillow to help prop yourself up during the session.
If your delivery experience included a C-section, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Studies have shown that getting massage during the prenatal period can also lessen postoperative pain. And remember, massage can help lift your mood during the postpartum period, too. So if nothing else, treat yourself to a massage to celebrate yourself – you’ve earned it, momma!
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